Exam Invalidated


During my exam my laptop automatically got turned off because of some glitch in onvue software. I rectified the issue and proctor told to continue the exam. There is no issue from my side.But i got a mail from AWS that my results got invalidated because of this laptop switch off issue. I would like to retake my exam. It was a technical issue, not my problem. This is my 6 months of preparation for this exam. Please take this into URGENT consideration and reveal my results.

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asked 3 months ago109 views
1 Answer

This is a question not for the community. You need to contact Pearson VUE technical support https://home.pearsonvue.com/Clients/AWS/Customer-service.aspx

Explain the situation and ask for a voucher. They may provide you with 100% voucher and you will reschedule the exam

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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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