How to get more details for failed system manger job


I was trying to run a system manger job to reboot an EC2 instance, using the automation document. It failed because "The supplied parameters for invoking the specified Automation document are incorrect." How can I find more details about what is causing the error? What's the best way to look thru cloudwatch logs for more details? I have the task ID, but how exactly can I search cloudwatch logs for it?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

From cloudwatch you can find the log group associated with Systems Manager. Typically, this would be something like /aws/systems-manager/AutomationExecution.

  • Click on the log group to view the associated log streams.

  • Here you can sort by the 'Last Event Time' column to quickly find recently generated logs. Since you know the exact task ID, you can filter log streams by the task ID. Enter the task ID into the Filter input box to narrow down your search.

  • Click on a log stream to view the log events. Here you should be able to see the details of the automation job including any error messages.

  • Look for entries that specifically detail the parameters that were provided to the automation job. It's likely you'll find a mismatch or a missing required parameter which caused the job to fail.

  • The error message you mentioned ("The supplied parameters for invoking the specified Automation document are incorrect.") typically points towards a parameter mismatch or missing parameters.

  • After identifying the error, you can modify the parameters and try running the Systems Manager Automation job again.

answered 10 months ago

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