ENA driver version


We recently created a Windows 2022 Server running on a r7iz.large instance. We run our application on this server and is connects to a Ubuntu database server. While running, there are constant disconnects which look to be the ENA adapter which causes the issue. The connection does reconnect, but the underlying issue remains. From testing, I was able to make a r7iz.large work running Windows 2019 with the ENA driver 2.1.0. I don't believe the version of the Windows Server matters, but I could not get ENA driver version to work on a Windows 2022 server. Is this an issue anyone is aware of?

asked 5 months ago374 views
1 Answer

You should open a support case for this, and provide all your use-case details, as well as your troubleshooting steps that lead you to believe that the ENA adapter driver is the cause.

You can open a support case here: https://console.aws.amazon.com/support

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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