Unable to create new Service in App Runner due to exceeding service quota of 2


I encountered the same problem as asked in the question below: https://repost.aws/questions/QUKDTD8CHMT1KjHLFNAXvgTw/failed-to-create-app-runner-service-due-to-exceeding-service-quota-of-2

When I tried to created the 3rd app in AWS App runner, I got an error message saying that I have exceeded my service quota. However, as I followed the instructions to check my service quota in the Service Quota Console, I found that my quota was already 30. So the suggested solution does not work for me. See the screenshot of my Service Quota Console below. What else should I try?

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asked a year ago273 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


the value of 30 is the default quota, not necessarily the one active on your account. You current allowance is reflected by "Applied quota value" and current usage by "Utilization". Those 2 values are "Not Available". So, you should open a ticket to understand why you don't see those values and then start a quota increase request if needed.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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