MySQL connection on MWAA Airflow



I am trying to set up a MySQL connection in MWAA Airflow. I added apache-airflow-providers-mysql, apache-airflow[mysql], and mysqlclient to requirements.txt and I can see in the Cloudwatch logs that the packages installed successfully.

When I try to create the connection I get this error: (2002, "Can't connect to server on 'prod-db.***.com' (115)")

mysql connection error

How do I fix this connection? The database is MySQL hosted on RDS. MWAA and the database are in the same VPC.

Thank you!

asked 10 months ago961 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

It turns out this was working the whole time, it's just the functionality to "test" the connection that was returning an error.

answered 10 months ago


As explained in the MySQL documentation, The error "(2002) Can't connect to ..." means that one of the following:

  • MySQL server is not running or is not reachable due to a firewall or port blocking service.
  • MySQL client is using an incorrect Unix socket file name or TCP/IP port number when trying to connect to the server.

In the context of AWS, you can take the following actions to remediate to this issue:

  • Make sure that the "Host" provided in the MWAA (Airflow) Connection corresponds to the RDS MySQL endpoint. A mistyped or incorrect endpoint could lead to connection issues.
  • Verify that the RDS instance is in the "Available" state. If it's in a different state (e.g., creating, modifying, or in a failure state), it might not accept incoming connections.
  • Ensure that the security group associated with your RDS MySQL instance allows inbound traffic from the MWAA instances on port 3306.
  • Verify that there are no restrictions in network ACL (NACL) rules preventing communication between MWAA and RDS subnets.
  • If you are using a custom DNS setup in your VPC, make sure that DNS resolution is properly configured to resolve the RDS endpoint MySQL correctly.


Mehdi B.

answered 10 months ago

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