Parameter Store - maximum version number?


Hey. I have a Lambda which updates a value in SSM Parameter store every 1 minute. So that value changes 1440 times during a day. AWS records the version number of a parameter, which basically tells us how many times particular parameter was changed.

I wonder whether there's a upper limit how many times a given parameter can be updated? For instance, it cannot be higher than maximum integer value which is: 2147483647 ?

asked 9 months ago344 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

"You can create and maintain up to 100 versions of a parameter. After you have created 100 versions of a parameter, each time you create a new version, the oldest version of the parameter is removed from history to make room for the new version."[1]

You can update it how many times you want, but can't keep track of all.

If you still have any question please let me know.

Have a nice day.



answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 8 days ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

Yes I was aware of 100 versions.

"You can update it how many times you want, but can't keep track of all."

So that's the answer. Thanks! :)

answered 9 months ago

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