Getting error "failed to configure cluster endpoints from hosts" for Amazon DAX Cluster


While connecting to encrypted Amazon DAX Cluster using DAX Java SDK we are getting following error

failed to configure cluster endpoints from hosts: [<DAX-Cluster-Endpoint>:9111]

We are using following dax sdk maven dependency


Code Snippet

DynamoDB getDaxClient(String daxEndpoint) {
 AmazonDaxClientBuilder daxClientBuilder = AmazonDaxClientBuilder.standard();
 AmazonDynamoDB client =;
 return new DynamoDB(client);

DAX Cluster is in ap-south-1 region.

However, I am able to connect DAX from local machine and ec2 instances when running nc command

nc -z <DAX-Cluster-Endpoint> 9111
Connection to<DAX-Cluster-Endpoint> port 9111 [tcp/*] succeeded! 

Note : 9091 port is open for our VPC in security group associated with the DAX cluster

asked 2 years ago162 views
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