Payment Edenred card - Brazil


I tried to add an M#####card credit card in the cards list for payment, but I get the following message:

"Your card ending in #### is not supported for payments to AWS seller in your region. Please try adding one of the following supported cards: Elo, M#####card, American Express, Discover-Elo or Visa."

This card is for sure a M#####card issued card and I have used it for other payments, both national and international.

Any tips to use this looking good card to pay?

Edit: Removed "Card starts with xx* btw" as it included partial card info — Ben. G

asked 2 years ago309 views
1 Answer

I suggest opening a billing support case for this problem. You can open a case by clicking the ? with a circle in the console top banner -> Support Center, Create case, Choose Account and billing support, Type -> Billing, Category -> Payment Issue and then you can fill in your question. This will go to the billing experts.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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