Move files between S3 folders while avoiding additional cost


I'm trying to reorganize the files and folders in my S3 bucket while trying to avoid paying additional cost.

The S3 bucket data comes from my Synology NAS which is setup with Cloud Sync. I actually would've liked to upload straight to S3 Glacier Deep archive, but unfortunately Synology S3 Cloud Sync only allows synced upload to Standard Infrequent Access (SIA) Storage Class. Therefore I have setup a lifecycle rule to move all objects within 0 days to S3 Glacier Deep Archive Storage Class, forcing me to pay the minimum 30-day SIA price for every new file.

My preference would be to change the files locally on my NAS (folder explorer network drive). If that's not possible without additional cost, I would prefer to do it in the AWS console (Web) for UI clarity/safety sake.

I already tried to reorganize files on my NAS but this lead to high EarlyDelete-SIA cost, probably because it just deleted S3 EarlyDelete cost

I also tried to reorganize files on AWS Console but this failed, as it's apparently not allowed to move files from S3 Glacier Deep Archive to another folder even though it's the same S3 Bucket.

Btw, if anyone knows an alternative to Cloud Sync (e.g. GoodSync?, Resilio Sync?) that allows real-time synced upload straight to S3 Glacier Deep Archive, I'm all ears.

Thank you in advance for the help.

asked 5 months ago258 views
2 Answers

I use Glacier Backup with my synology

May be worth a look.

profile picture
answered 5 months ago
  • Not sure if this also works for S3 Glacier Deep Archive, looks like it only works for the older Amazon Glacier (Vaults)

  • Correct it’s the vault but It’s a valid service regularly used for backups/archive of data. If you just want a backup of your Synology why not use it?

  • I thought it was more expensive than just using S3 Bucket Glacier Deep Archive Storage class and not recommended by AWS to use anymore as they are moving away from to the old Glacier Vaults to S3 Glacier Storage classes?


Is that possible?

answered 5 months ago

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