SQL RDS Storage Increasing Everyday



I need assistance with my RDS storage increasing daily. This is a SQL Server Standard Edition instance.

The allocated storage is 300GB, see the below image Enter image description here

I have autoscaling enabled, see the below image Enter image description here

My Free Storage is over 200GB, see the below image Enter image description here

I have daily backups running (over 60 snapshots, each one is 300GB), see the below image Enter image description here

My Databases are less than 11GB in total. Enter image description here

  1. My allocated storage is 300GB
  2. My databases are less than 11GB in total
  3. My backups are running daily but they are stored to S3, each snapshot is 300GB
  4. My free storage is over 250GB
  5. I don't know what is using the storage
2 Answers

Hi there.

There are different elements affecting the storage in an RDS instance. I would recommend reviewing the following article [1] that discusses not just the database files but also other elements such as TempDB, Auditing, CDC, etc.

[1] https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/rds-sql-server-storage-optimization

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago

There has not been any autoscaling on your instance since your freeable storage is still very high relative to the allocated storage. Storage autoscaling only impacts the size of allocated storage when your freeable storage falls below some threshold.

The size of the snapshots is just a reflection of the size of the allocated storage of the instance. The actual size of the snapshots are much smaller.

answered 3 months ago
  • Thank you for this. Does not answer the question though.

    What is using the storage?

  • I think you are asking about the size of the snapshots not the size of the instance or the used storage on your instance below 300g?

    The 300 just refers to the size of the instance that the snapshot represents. It is very difficult to know exactly the size of the snapshots because they are incremental and rolling day by day as you take nightly system snapshots. In your case these are almost certainly a lot smaller than the 300gb.

  • Hi Phil Snapshots get stored on S3, so the size of the snapshots should be irrelevant in this scenario, not so?

    At least that's what the AWS documentation says: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/amazon-rds-snapshot-restore-and-recovery-demystified/#:~:text=Amazon%20RDS%20snapshots%20are%20stored,for%20copy%20and%20restore%20operations.

    Here is my question: My allocated storage is 300GB, and my database and log files are 11GB. 300GB - 11GB = 289GB Why am I getting storage full errors when I should have 289GB of free storage? Where is my storage disappearing to?

  • Yeah, we must be missing something here. This is the first you've mentioned storage full errors.

    The storage of the database snapshots is independent from the storage of the RDS instance. The RDS instance has a allocated storage of 300gb. You are only using a small bit of that, which is why your freeable storage metric is close to 300g. You are not running out of space.

    The 300g next to the snapshot is not at all related to the free storage on the instance. It just represents the size of the volume were you to restore that snapshot. You cannot run out of space for backups.

    I do not understand the storage full errors.

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