AWS LightSail Server Goes Down Unexpectedly but Status is Running


My entire lightsail server goes down mysteriously with no logs and no way to check because Lightsail still shows that it is running. I can't access the instance through EC2 to understand the logs. This was been going on since the Lightsail update to managed Wordpress and need to understanding why the server status is showing running even when I cannot access it. I have made no changes to the Lightsail server since then so it is very mysterious as to why it goes down randomly.

I mean to say that I cannot access it from the following,

  • No network available through ping either on private IP, public IP, or DNS
  • Connect using SSH is not working and just hangs
  • EC2 or any other service is not showing the instance available

Please have the software that checks if the server is running looked at because I don't know what it means. If I had to guess, it would probably be memory or RAM utilization but the internal logs I have do not point to this conclusion.

2 Answers


Are there any errors in the Lightsail OS system log or web server log?
For example, if there is insufficient memory, an "Out of memory" error will occur.
If insufficient memory is the problem, you may want to try creating a swap space.

Please see below for troubleshooting methods for commonly occurring problems.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Even if there were, I have a problem with the status saying "Running". The status should be more reliable and the errors I was facing should have been noticed by a status indicator.

answered 2 months ago

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