Updating runtime of lambda function to nodejs18.x gives error


Hi, I am new here and trying to understand how to use Lambda functions in Amplify.

I have started using Amplify in an application a year ago. Back then, I created a Lambda function for Admin Queries which was automatically generated using nodejs 14.x I was recently informed by Amazon of the end-of-life support for nodejs 14.x and asked to update the affected entity (the admin queries function).

I was provided with the links below [1] https://endoflife.date/nodejs [2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/runtime-support-policy.html [3] https://aws.amazon.com/cli/ [4] https://aws.amazon.com/support

with no specific link regarding detailed method to do the upgrade I searched and found the following link https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/function/configure-options/

With these steps my function runtime was updated to 18.x but it now returns "Request failed with status code 502" when I call /listUsers

reverting it back to nodejs 14.x or even 16.x works fine.

Any ideas?

  • Have you reviewed the code to see if nodejs 18.x have added/removed syntax or configurations in the code that nodejs14.x didn't have?

    I believe this is more a nodejs problem, than a lambda function problem.

asked 9 months ago164 views
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