Can I connect and using aws SES SMTP and brevo SMTP both at the same time?


Can I connect and using aws SES SMTP and brevo SMTP both at the same time?

asked 10 months ago397 views
1 Answer

Yes, you can use AWS SES SMTP and Brevo SMTP (or any other SMTP service) at the same time. However, how you implement this depends on your use case and your application.

Here are a few scenarios:

  • Round Robin or Load Balancing: If you want to distribute your email load between AWS SES and Brevo, you could use a round-robin or other load balancing strategy. Each outgoing email would be sent by one service or the other, according to your chosen strategy.

  • Fallback or Failover: If you want to use one service as a fallback when the other fails, you can set up a failover mechanism in your application. If sending via AWS SES fails for some reason, your application could try to send via Brevo, and vice versa.

  • Different Purposes: If you want to use one service for one type of email and the other service for another type, you can do this as well. For example, you might use AWS SES for transactional emails and Brevo for marketing emails.

Remember, both AWS SES and Brevo (or any other SMTP service) require separate configurations. Each will have its own SMTP credentials, endpoint, port number, etc., and you'll need to handle these configurations separately in your application.

Also, please note that both AWS SES and other SMTP services generally have usage limits, so you'll need to monitor your usage of both services to ensure that you stay within those limits. If you're planning to send a large volume of email, make sure to request a limit increase from AWS or your other SMTP provider if necessary.

If you need help setting up these services or implementing a specific strategy, feel free to ask!

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answered 10 months ago

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