Generation of thumbnails from video using MediaConvert's output Frame Capture to JPEG


Hello! I would like to know if there is any option to use MediaConvert in the following scenario: I have a video file stored in S3 bucket. I need to generate thumbnails from this video based on variate input configuration (frame rate). I've tried to setup a job using only one output group where I've selected the "Frame Capture to JPEG" option as it is described in this old (obviously, in AWS there might be some changes since 2018):

However, when I am trying to trigger the job - an error notification appears with the following message "/outputGroups: The only outputs in your job are Frame capture to JPEG. You must include at least one output that has full video." The message is obvious. However, I still don't understand the reason why I cannot generate thumbnails only, without any additional output processing.

If this could be somehow omitted - I would appreciate your assistance or advice.

Any ideas of what could be used in AWS instead of MediaConvert - are also appreciated.

asked 3 months ago324 views
2 Answers

With MediaConvert, you will need to add at least one video output. The video output resolution can be in any SD resolution and no audio to save on costs. The frame capture in MediaConvert is free.

If you do not want the video output once the job is finished you can delete the generated video file.

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

If you need to capture thumbnails only, consider using MediaLive.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Unfortunately, MediaLive also requires at least one video output for my scenario. Therefore, it produces pretty much the same behavior that we have with MediaConvert.

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