SSH connection refused


I have centos ec2 instance and suddenly i am not able to connect to instance and having error SSH connection refused. i have already checked the firewall that allowing all traffic.

asked 7 months ago1097 views
2 Answers

Hello Jerry,

Good day. could try few suggestions -

  1. Check the security group rules are allowing inbound traffic on port 22 from your IP address. (can be your laptop, your local ec2 server etc). Reconfirm SSH is allowed in the security group.
  2. Double check to see SSH service is running on the instance. Run sudo systemctl status sshd to see if its active. Try restarting if needed using sudo systemctl restart sshd.
  3. Also check, that the daemon is listening on port 22. Run sudo netstat -ant | grep 22 to see if its active and listening.

Hope this helps, kindly try it out and upvote if works. :) Thanks

Ben Lee
answered 7 months ago


I recommend taking a look at the following Knowledge Center article which describes step by step how to debug "Connection refused" or "Connection timed out" errors when trying to connect to an Amazon EC2 instance using SSH.

I hope this helps you.

profile picture
answered 7 months ago

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