cloud9 preview running application


window.location.pathname = newPath; = params;

these methods don't run so i can not change url and control my lambda code

  • Could you elaborate what are you trying to achieve? Are you trying to manipulate browser url from lambda?

asked a year ago747 views
3 Answers

Hi - Can you please provide more details on what type of application/work you are trying to do on cloud9? Also did you get a chance to review Previewing running applications in the AWS Cloud9 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

for example the code below. when i click button it doesn't change url in cloud9 "Previev Running Application" which starts a browers. on the other hand if i deploy it cloud app the url is changed.

<input type="button" value="Load new document" onclick="newDoc()"> <script type="text/javascript"> function newDoc() { alert('hello'); window.location.assign("") } </script>
answered a year ago

Hi, by design, applications that are loading inside of built-in Preview browser in Cloud9 IDE are rendered in secured sandboxed iframe, which prevents application from modifying parent window location. To preview application without this limitation, you could open application preview in separate pop out browser tab

answered a year ago

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