How to change DocumentDB default subnet group VPC (after deleting and re-creating the default VPC)?


I deleted and re-created the default VPC, but DocumentDB default subnet group still points to the deleted VPC ID:

How do I fix it?

asked a year ago664 views
2 Answers

you wont be able to delete a VPC due to existing network interfaces for the cluster instance.

answered a year ago
  • Trust me, the default VPC was destroyed.

    resource "aws_default_vpc" "default" {
      force_destroy = true

Once a DocumentDB cluster is created, the VPC cannot be changed. You'll have to restore from a snapshot to a new cluster, using the new default VPC.

Mihai A
answered a year ago
  • Problem is that the old "default" vpc hangs in here: Enter image description here The vpc-06...69 does not exist anymore, but because it is "default" I cannot delete it.

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