Custom amplify passwordless auth for flutter


Been following up on the following post.

What I am trying to achieve is auth using just the phone number, no password or email.

Article points me in the right direction, but wanted to know if there was already another resource for phone number & SMS otp? If not, two more questions please;

  1. I'm assuming what I need to look at is replacing SES with SNS, is that correct?
  2. Is there a reason, maybe security related, that email otp is supported, while phone number is not?
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Yes, you can replace SES with SNS. The reason why email OTP is supported but not phone number OTP is because it is easier to authenticate an email address than a phone number. Email addresses are public information, while phone numbers are not. Therefore, it is easier to verify an email address than a phone number. Additionally, email is more secure and less prone to malicious attacks than SMS messages.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 12 days ago

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