Questions about modifing S3 storage classes


Currently, I am managing bucket lifecycle rules.

Basically, we are aware that the storage class cannot be switched from standard to Glacier Instant Retrieval unless the size of the s3 object exceeds 128KiB.

However, I found out that it is possible to change the storage class of certain objects that do not exceed 128KiB to Glacier Instant Retrieval through the AWS console.

Can we say that the storage class of this changed object has changed from standard class to Glacier Instant Retrieval?

Also, is it possible to change the storage class of an object whose size does not exceed 128 KiB to Glacier Instant Retrieval through cli?

asked 3 months ago140 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Can we say that the storage class of this changed object has changed from standard class to Glacier Instant Retrieval?

The storage class itself is saved as Glacier Instant Retrieval.
Prices will change at that time.
For example, an 80KB object will be billed as 128KB.

S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval has a minimum billable object size of 128 KB. Smaller objects may be stored but will be charged for 128 KB of storage at the appropriate storage class rate.

Also, is it possible to change the storage class of an object whose size does not exceed 128 KiB to Glacier Instant Retrieval through cli?

You can use the "--storage-class" option in the "aws s3 cp" command options.

aws s3 cp --storage-class GLACIER_IR s3://test-s3/test.txt s3://test-s3/test.txt
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answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thank to you, my issue has been solved !! 🙏

  • If we are moving 200 million files from Standard to Glacier_IR using "aws s3 cp --recursive --storage-class GLACIER_IR s3://test-s3 s3://test-s3" what are we paying for this process? Is it only COPY operations for Standard storage class? E.g. $0.005/1000*200m = $1000 ?

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