How to inactivate Cloudwatch GetMetricData API?


I am deleting the resources created in my account. I checked that the cost is being incurred because of the GetMetricData API in cloudwatch. I found various information, but I don't know how to inactivate the cost of the GetMetricData API. Does it just automatically delete resources if I delete an account? Please let me know how I can delete the CW getdatametic API. Thanks always.

2 Answers


Are you using any external monitoring tool, like NewRelic, Datadog etc which collects data from CloudWatch? It is one of the most common reasons for this cost.

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answered 2 months ago
  • No, there isn't. If I delete an account, will all resources be automatically deleted? If so, I want to choose this method

  • Yes, AWS will delete any content and resources in your account after the post-closure period (90 days).

    You can find more information at the following AWS documentation page.


GetMetricData is an API call, and not a resource. You are billed $0.01 per 1000 GetMetricData API calls. If you do not make any GetMetricData (or GetMetricStatists API calls for that matter) you are not billed anything.

You can identify the region and other details of the source of any GetMetricData calls in Cost Explorer in your billing console by filtering for CloudWatch in the Services filter and grouping by Usage Type. Cloudwatch Billing gives more information on understanding and finding the source of your Cloudwatch bills.

Lastly, any custom metrics you make, will auto-disappear from your console after 14 days if you no longer put data into them - and billing for them will stop once you no longer put data into them with any of the PutMetricData calls. Metric data however is retained for a period of 15 months. You are not charged for data retention in a Cloudwatch metric.

If you want to suspend your account - then all billing will cease immediately on suspension (with the exception of platform commitments that you may have purchased, such as reserved instances that are partial or no upfront). To suspend, and close your AWS account you can follow the process documented here:

answered 2 months ago

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