Accessing old domain's Wordpress admin login



I recently redirected my old domain url ( which used AWS Lightsail hosting) to new domain url ( which uses a different hosting provider).

What I noticed after this redirection is that I am unable to access my Wordpress admin panel of the old domain ( I need to access my old domain admin view to download some of the leftover posts. How do you I go about doing that?

Is this something that can be done or did I lose my old posts forever?

I am not a very technical person. So would like a very non-technical step-by-step guidance.


asked a month ago169 views
3 Answers


Do you have redirects set up in WordPress plugins or web server settings?
In that case, I think it would be a good idea to disable the redirect settings once, retrieve the necessary data, and then set it to redirect again.

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answered a month ago


One way is to access wp-admin by adding host entry file with the IP address of the old domain

This method tells your computer to temporarily bypass the redirection for your old domain.

Here's how (instructions will vary slightly depending on your operating system):

Search online for "how to edit hosts file" followed by your specific operating system (e.g., Windows 10 hosts file edit).

In the hosts file, add a new line: ** replace with the IP address of the old Wordpress **

If still redirects to there is no problem wp-admin will try to access the old website.

Alternative is to temporarily disable redirection

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answered a month ago

Thank your for your answers!

What I ended up doing is configuring a subdomain to point to LightSail instance and then updating the site URL in Lightsail database. The support contact from my new hosting provider was able to recommend these steps and help me out with this.

answered a month ago

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