How do you get a email address removed from ses global suppression list?


Hi, There is a domain that recently had no email server for an extended period. SES has added their emails to the global suspension list due to multiple bounces.

The domain is now back online correctly and mail server is operating. How can I now get those emails removed from the global suspension list as they won't bounce any more?

SES is returning an error when sending to this email saying: Diagnostic-Code: Amazon SES has suppressed sending to this address because it has a recent history of bouncing as an invalid address. For more information about how to remove an address from the suppression list, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide: Status: 5.1.1

That link does not work.


asked 9 months ago321 views
1 Answer

The following documents may be helpful to you.

To remove an email address from the suppression list, execute the following command.

aws sesv2 delete-suppressed-destination --email-address

For other operations of the suppression list, please refer to the following documents.

Note that the global suppression list cannot be operated by the user, so an account suppression list must be created and overwritten.

The global suppression list operates and is managed in the background by SES - you cannot interact with it directly; however, you can override it by using your own account-level suppression list.

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answered 9 months ago

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