Dynamodb resource-based policy principal error


I encountered an error when adding a resource-based policy for a DynamoDB table at the principal property. Although I entered the correct syntax, after some research, I found that changing the value from arn:aws:sts::{Account}:assumed-role/{RoleName}/{RoleSessionName} to arn:aws:iam::{Account}:assumed-role/{RoleName}/{RoleSessionName} resolved the issue. However, this change resulted in an incorrect syntax, and upon checking after updating the resource-based policy, the value had automatically reverted to arn:aws:sts by the AWS API. This behavior may be considered a bug.

Not work: Enter image description here

Work (but it's incorrect syntax): Enter image description here

After save the result with arn:aws:iam, the value had automatically reverted to arn:aws:sts: Enter image description here

asked a month ago569 views
1 Answer


Yes, such can be considered as a bug: to confirm that it is considered as one by the service team, you should open a ticket via the AWS service console. AWS Support will respond to it and let you know if / how it will be fixed.

AWS Service teams are not supposed to monitor re:Post as a community site.



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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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