monitor connection status of local client devices from IoT Core


Hey everyone, I am using Greengrass core devices as a MQTT bridge for local devices without connection to AWS IoT core to send data. Besides that I use fleet metrics to monitor the connection status of things against the IoT core but this only gives me the status of core devices or things that are directly connected.

I also want to see which things are connected to which coredevices.

I saw but I do not really understand how I should do this with device shadows? I added shadow manger as a component and added the the topics to mqtt bridge.

Can someone describe me how this should work?

Best Regards, Marco

asked 4 months ago150 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Marco,

Currently, Greengrass doesn't publish connectivity status for client devices

However, if you're using EMQX as a local broker, you should be able to forward client connect/disconnect events from EMQX using MQTT Bridge:

  "mqttTopicMapping": {
    "ClientDeviceConnectedFromEMQX": {
      "topic": "$SYS/brokers/+/clients/+/connected",
      "source": "LocalMqtt",
      "target": "IotCore"
    "ClientDeviceDisconnectedFromEMQX": {
      "topic": "$SYS/brokers/+/clients/+/disconnected",
      "source": "LocalMqtt",
      "target": "IotCore"
answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

Thanks for your answer, I was finally able to try it out and it works very good. I just had to make an adjustment on the topics. I seems not to work without adding a targetTopicPrefix because you can not forward to $SYS at IoT Core. But I am facing this error on forwarding these connect messages, maybe you can help me resolve that as this is related to the solution and might help others: When a devices connects or disconnects, the event is bridged correctly but I get this error message on the greengrass.log regarding the PUBACK message:

{"thread":"Thread-4","level":"INFO","eventType":null,"message":"Publishing message got a non-retryable reason code, not retrying","contexts":{"reason":"PUBACK:Topic can't start with $:a8e88322-20a1-9d20-5f1a-0709dd166a6d","topic":"$SYS/brokers/emqx@","reasonCode":"144"},"loggerName":"","timestamp":1710150964535,"cause":null}
{"thread":"Thread-4","level":"ERROR","eventType":null,"message":"Failed to publish the message via Spooler and will retry","contexts":{"reason":"PUBACK:Topic can't start with $:a8e88322-20a1-9d20-5f1a-0709dd166a6d","reasonCode":"144"},"loggerName":"","timestamp":1710150964535,"cause":null}

This is my topicMapping: for the {iot:thingName}, I also enable interpolateComponentConfiguration in the nucleus config.

"ClientDeviceConnectedFromEMQX": {
                    "topic": "$SYS/brokers/+/clients/+/connected",
                    "targetTopicPrefix": "coreDeviceConnections/{iot:thingName}/",
                    "source": "LocalMqtt",
                    "target": "IotCore"
                "ClientDeviceDisconnectedFromEMQX": {
                    "topic": "$SYS/brokers/+/clients/+/disconnected",
                    "targetTopicPrefix": "coreDeviceConnections/{iot:thingName}/",
                    "source": "LocalMqtt",
                    "target": "IotCore"
answered 3 months ago
  • Just to double check, did the updated configuration (with targetTopicPrefix) make it to the device? Can confirm with the greengrass cli (e.g. greengrass-cli component list). From the error, it looks like the prefix isn't being appended to the topic

  • Yes I think so, because the in IoT core the message arrives at the correct topic which is coreDeviceConnections/demoCoredevice/$SYS/brokers/emqx@

    I think the problem ist that it is some sending a PUBACK back after fowarding the message and this PUBACK would still go to $SYS/... and this is not allowed. Is this possible? Dont know how to debug that exactly.

    I also tried to use a topic rewrite in EMQX and directly reweite $SYS/brokers/# into /metrics/brokers/# but I had no success. I think they disabled that for $SYS (

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