what cost i am getting charged for my AWS account


i have all my services are shut down but still i am getting charged under AWS cost. please let me know the reason?

asked a year ago327 views
2 Answers

Try using AWS Cost Explorer (https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/aws-cost-explorer/) to see the details of your charges. Cost Explorer is free when you use the console with out of the box settings the only billable features are hourly & resource granularity & direct API requests.

Initially Cost Explorer will group the costs by Service, making it easy to see which service is responsible for the cost. You can also switch the Group By dimension to Usage Type, which will show you the next level of detail: the specific units by which your charges are being metered.

Some examples of items that you might find:

  • EBS:SnapshotUsage - EBS Snapshots that need to be deleted
  • ElasticIP:IdleAddress - unused elastic IPs
answered a year ago

Did you check the details of your bill: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/getting-viewing-bill.html

It should indicate where it comes from.

Some hints: Did you destroy all S3 buckets? Do you some commitments (EC2 reserved instances, etc.( still valid to pay even you stopped corresponding services?

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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