Regarding rescheduling AWS Certified Developer - Associate (Retiring Feb 27, 2023) DVA-C01


Hi Guys,

I have used the 100% voucher for registering the Developer associate exam (I have received the voucher from my company), now I need to cancel this exam and reschedule this exam at a different time.

Would I be able to reuse the same voucher? Also DVA-C01 is retiring while rescheduling can I choose new exam DVA-C02 using old voucher coupon?

asked a year ago248 views
1 Answer

Hi Swapnil, Generally rescheduling an exam (even with new version) should allow you to keep your voucher. Check with below guide:

I would add that if I you are rescheduling twice you could also check the training support, hope it helps

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answered a year ago
  • Hi , Thanks for quick replay i have reschedule my exam with new version using old coupon Once again thanks

  • No worries Swapnil, if you think above answers helped you, I would appreciate if can be accepted too, so that community can benefit for clarity. Glad it helped and thanks

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