Instance Unavailable in EC2 console


I signed in as root user and created a EC2 instance, post that I enable MFA and now the instance is not reflecting in the EC2 console and i am being charged since I kept it running. This is a urgent call as I don' want to make payments when I am not using the instance. Prompt response will be appreciated.

asked a month ago119 views
3 Answers

Are you selecting the same region when looking for EC2 as the one you created the instance in?

answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago


Make sure you're looking in the same region or You can click on the link to see the Ec2 instance on the Ec2 Global View

You can find all resources across all regions, You can also see one of the Example from my AWS account

Ec2 Global View

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answered a month ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a month ago


1.Check IAM Permissions: Ensure that the IAM user or role you are using to log in has the necessary permissions to view EC2 instances.

2.Verify MFA Setup: Double-check that your MFA setup for the root user hasn't inadvertently restricted access to EC2 resources.

3.Use IAM User: Log in using an IAM user account that has appropriate permissions to access EC2 resources.

4.Navigate to EC2 Console: Once logged in, navigate to the EC2 dashboard in the AWS Management Console. You can do this by selecting "Services" in the top menu and then choosing "EC2" under the "Compute" section.

5.Check EC2 Instances: In the EC2 dashboard, select "Instances" from the left-hand navigation menu to view a list of your EC2 instances.

6.Verify Instance Status: Look for your EC2 instance in the list and verify its status. If it's running, you'll see it listed here.

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answered a month ago

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