IAM User Password Forgot


IAM User Password Forgot

I had created 2 accounts under my root organization and created separate IAM users for those accounts. I have forgotten the passwords for those two accounts. I have some of data in those two accounts and I am unable to reset the password for it can you please help? Sharing the Organization structure for more info Enter image description here

2 Answers


Does that mean you don't know the password for your IAM Identity Center user?
If so, you can reset your password by following the steps in the document below.

If you are an IAM user, you can reset your password by following the steps in the document below.
To perform this operation, you need permission to sign in to the target AWS account and operate IAM users.

So, I think you need to set up IAM Identity Center to be able to sign in or sign in as the root user.

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answered 4 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 4 months ago


Sign in to the AWS Management Console: Visit the AWS Management Console: https://aws.amazon.com/. Click on "Sign In to the Console" and enter the root account credentials.

Navigate to the IAM Service:
    Once logged in, navigate to the IAM service. You can find it in the "Services" dropdown or by searching for "IAM" in the AWS Management Console.

Access the Account for which you Forgot the Password:
    In the IAM dashboard, click on the account for which you forgot the password. You should see a list of IAM users for that account.

Reset Password for IAM User:
    Click on the IAM user for which you need to reset the password.
    Navigate to the "Security credentials" tab.
    Under the "Console password" section, click on the "Manage" button.
    Choose either "Autogenerated password" or "Specify a new password" and follow the prompts to set a new password for the IAM user.

Repeat for the Second Account:
    Repeat the above steps for the IAM user in the second account.

Sign in with New Password:
    Once you have reset the password for each IAM user, try signing in with the new credentials.
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answered 4 months ago

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