stop EC2 windows not having activity


How can I stop an EC2 instance with a lambda or in any other way when it is detected that it has no activity in the last 15 minutes?

asked a year ago245 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

To stop EC2 with Lambda, the code in the following document may be useful.

It seems to me that incorporating a method of detecting no activity in the past 15 minutes into this code would accomplish your requirement.
As for how to get the activity, there is a CloudWatch metric for EC2 called NetworkIn.
How about using the metrics here to alarm and trigger Lambda if the threshold falls below the threshold?
This metric is the amount of network traffic received by EC2, so if the value is low for the past 15 minutes, an alarm is raised to indicate that no communication is being sent to EC2 (EC2 is rarely used).

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks for the link. It has served me well. Although I still don't understand or see a way to identify if the Instance hasn't had any activity for the last 15 minutes. I want to shut down the EC2 instance as long as there is no activity on the instance in the last 15 min.

    Thank you

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