DNS not propagating. Going on for DAYS DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN


There is definitely a problem with the DNS associated with my URL. I cannot point my URL to my elastic IP. I've tried different elastic ip, different zones, different server installations, different security. It all point to the DNS servers. There is something wrong!

Going on for DAYS.....

A DNS lookup on Whatsmydns.net shows all RED X on every location.

Should I just close my account with AWS?

asked 2 months ago103 views
3 Answers

Do the name servers Glue records point to the correct AWS Name servers?


Check if the records are correct. If they are not, then they will need updating otherwise your Domain will never resolve. Alternatively, check if you have DNSSEC enabled or not. This could be another cause.

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answered 2 months ago

Hi THere

Can you share the URL? What are you using for DNS? Is it Route53? WHat are you using for your domain registrar?

It sounds like the nameservers for your domain are not pointing to your DNS provider as expected. If using Route53 for the domain registration and DNS, ensure you follow these instructions: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/migrate-dns-domain-in-use.html

Also take a look at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/routing-to-ec2-instance.html

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

In order to troubleshoot this I would ask you to follow these steps.

First, let's ensure the reverse DNS (rDNS) is set correctly for your Elastic IP address. You can use the host command on your instance to check if the rDNS points to the right domain name.

Next, let's review the DNS configuration in Route 53 for your instance. Make sure all DNS records, like A or AAAA records, are pointing to the correct destination—either your Elastic IP address or the load balancer's DNS name.

Take a look at your security groups and network access control lists. Check if they're allowing inbound traffic on port 53 for DNS requests.

Consider releasing the Elastic IP address and then associating it again with your instance. Sometimes, starting fresh can help resolve issues.

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answered 2 months ago
  • Already done all of the above. This issues is affecting all my domains.

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