Invalid ARN Prefix, when using Execution ID in GetExecutionHistory


I'm trying to use the context object Execution ID as described here:

So I can call the getExecutionHistory API as a task in my step function so I can keep track of how many events happen and not go over the 25,000 threshold. However when I pass the $$.Execution.Id as a parameter to the API I get an Invalid ARN Prefix error.

What should I be doing differently? Can you not use the API to get a running Step Function's State Machine Event History?

asked 2 months ago108 views
1 Answer

When calling APIs from tasks, you need to pass the execution ARN instead of the execution ID. You can access the execution ARN from the context object like this: "Parameters": { "ExecutionArn": "$$.Execution.Arn" }

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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