Architecture behind Amazon CloudWhisperer


Hi, I am currently working on my bachelor thesis about AI-powered tools and would like to investigate CodeWhisperer as well. Does anyone know what architecture was used for CodeWhisperer? I assume a Transformer architecture, but I can't find any information about it. Amazon just say that they used Large Language Models. Does anybody know where to find some technical papers relevant to this topic?

asked a year ago411 views
2 Answers

Hi, you may be interested by this article on Amazon Science:

It is probably not the level of details that you wish, but a careful reading "between the lines" will give you interesting aspects of CodeWhisperer design: attention to latency, trustworthiness of code, etc.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

Hi, It would be difficult to get the eyes-on on the core architecture of Amazon CodeWhisperer; as like other services, only high-level details might be shared by Amazon for its services/features.

In addition to the above link shared, you might find the below link interesting -

PS: If you think this answer has somehow solved your problem and might help others looking for same query, kindly mark acceptance of this answer, thanks.

answered a year ago

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