Difference with shared hosting


Hello, I am a new possible customer with a background in web development. I have bought from other companies shared hosting and VPS packages and I wonder what is different with AWS and why should I choose it instead of the other cheaper options. For example let's say i want to host websites for clients. Why should I not choose shared hosting which has all things already installed and very easy managable with plesk platform at a very cheaper price for unlimited traffic and unlimited domains? Or why should I not choose a VPS solution which for the same price as AWS lightsail gives total freedom on the server, more resources and again since you can do anything, unlimited traffic and domains?

asked 2 months ago128 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I am talking as a customer myself, with some experience on various infrastructure landscapes.

AWS offers several advantages over cheaper hosting options. Firstly, scalability is a major perk. Your infrastructure can automatically adjust based on traffic needs, ensuring your applications always have sufficient resources without overspending. Plus, AWS spreads its infrastructure across multiple Availability Zones for better performance and reliability, unlike single-server hosting.

Security is another area where AWS shines. They manage the underlying infrastructure security, so you can focus on securing your applications. As for reliability, AWS has a global network of data centers and uses replication techniques for fault tolerance, meaning fewer disruptions. And while AWS may seem pricier upfront, its pay-as-you-go model can actually save you money in the long run by avoiding overprovisioning and unnecessary expenses.

So, if you're prioritizing scalability, performance, security, reliability, and long-term cost savings, AWS could be the way to go for your project!

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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