How to allow requests from a certain domain.


So i want to block all request to my WAF except for request that come from this

asked 3 months ago560 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

To clarify, the request to reach your WAF will have the information of the domain it is called (ex., By default, there will be nothing called "request comes from a specific domain" from my understanding. Hence, you could restrict the request to a specific domain using WAF. In case your question is whitelisting the caller, there will be some options:

  • Restrict specific IP Addresses can send requests to your application
  • Add some specific header to identify the caller that sends a request to your application.
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Minh Le
answered 3 months ago
  • Thanks. That's what i ended up doing. We inspected every request looking for the caller information within the header.


Hi, you can use an allow list to match the domain and keep the default action as "BLOCK"

Create a new WebACL and have just one custom WAF rule that you create for the domain you want to allow.

answered 3 months ago
  • I have turned the default action to block. I don't see the option to allow traffic from a certain domain. I can block using ip address but no luck with a domain.


You can’t block requests coming from a specific domain. This doesn’t exist in the world.

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answered 3 months ago

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