How long does it usually take to make snapshot of windows server


I'm now making a snapshot of amazon lightsail windows server and it taking roughly half an hour at this point. How long does it usually get to make a snapshot? Should I wait or should I start over? Mind you the server is turned off so its sensitive issue. I have about another 30 minutes for my service window.

asked a year ago642 views
1 Answer

Snapshot time totally depends on the Size of the volumes attached to Instance if in case its a Instance Snapshot same goes with Volume snapshot.

The creation of EBS-backed AMIs or EBS snapshots might be slow because of the large amount of data that must be copied to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). Many factors, such as Write activity on the EBS volume, can impact the creation time. Therefore, creation times for the snapshots might vary widely.

The most common cause for slow creation of AMIs or snapshots is the amount of dirty data that must be copied to Amazon S3. This dirty data is measured by the number of blocks. The following factors might result in a large number of dirty blocks:

Size of the EBS volume Time since last snapshot Write activity on the volume

answered a year ago

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