I have a free account, I started an instance with the aim of having a deckstop where I can run a trading copy server. The day I did it everything worked well, even if it was a bit slow, also in the following days it worked quite well, but on the last day I noticed a very significant latency, that is 2 and a half minutes for the simple copying of an operation. I tried to see the various causes but I can't find anything that is relevant to my problem; I also did the IOPS calculation at the peak point and I'm at around 160. What can I do to resolve this? Do I need to purchase a subscription? Thank you

asked 6 months ago265 views
1 Answer

Running a Windows desktop on a an instance that sits within free tier (which I assume is what is meant by "I have a free account") is going to consume a high proportion of available resources, given it's a t2 or t3.micro (1GB RAM, 1 or 2 vCPU), and only 30GB of general purpose storage.

You're looking in the right places, calculating the EBS IOPS for instance, are you using gp2 or gp3 ? The differences, and advantages of one over the other are here

Look at AWS Compute Optimiser for recommendations on how to make the most out of your resources

It may end up that you need to uplift to higher-spec instance type, which will almost certainly fall outside the scope of free tier. The additional cost can be mitigated by doing things like stopping (or hibernating) the EC2 when not in use (depending on the instance type and OS)

You can continue to use an on-demand instance for this, it doesn't need a reserved instance paid up-front (if that's what you mean by "Do I need to purchase a subscription?").

It's probably also worth mentioning that AWS has an offering for virtual desktops in the cloud called Workspaces

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answered 6 months ago
  • Thank you for your reply, it was very useful. Yes, I have the free tier with a t2.micro. I'm currently using gp2. I thought that it wasn't an IOPS problem because I still have 100% on burst balance. Can you confirm this?

  • I can't confirm your burst balance as I can't see inside your account, but if you say you've got 100% burst balance then it probably isn't your root cause (and BTW my language was sloppy in my last reply, I didn't man that IOPS was the right place to look to solve your problem, what I meant was you were thinking through the right things to look at).

    Are there any other metrics in the AWS Console that are pointing towards high resource consumption? Consider installing CloudWatch agent to get a more detailed view of system utilisation metrics

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