Pinpoint Usage Metrics


Is there a way to find what endpoint events Pinpoint includes to constitute "usage" when visualizing daily users? We have pushed the data from pinpoint to Elastic and when visualizing in Kibana, there are drastic inconsistencies despite including all events or a subset.

asked 2 years ago243 views
1 Answer


Thank you for reaching out to us.

If you are referring to the daily-active-endpoints or the daily-active-users KPIs, then we are counting them if their historicalEffectiveDate contains the date for KPI.

This field will only be updated if the customer specified effectiveDate manually during update/create request.

So let's say if a customer create an endpoint today without specifying the effectiveDate, the endpoint will not be counted as today's daily-active-endpoint.

But if the customer update the endpoint by specifying the effectiveDate as today, it will be counted as today’s daily-active-endpoint, and if there is userId in the endpoint, it will also be counted as daily-active-users.

Hope this helps.

answered 2 years ago

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