Problem with my RDP


When I put my IP on the remote desktop, it did not enter my RDP and told me Remote desktop can't connect to the remote computer, and I tried to communicate with technical support, but he could not help me, and he sent me a site with help on Amazon, and when I entered my problem to see a solution, he did not I can understand anything and my problem still exists even though RDP is enabled and running

asked a year ago250 views
1 Answer

There are many different things that can cause an issue, without having more information it is not easy to determine :

  • Network path from your RDP client to the instance
  • Security Group and NACL configuration on your Instance
  • Architecture of VPCs/Subnets
answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Can you access my device via AnyDesk and see my problem or solve it please?

  • Hello, AWS re:Post is an online AWS knowledge community and not a live support/troubleshooting space. Unfortunately this is not possible.

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