EMR Serverless "Run status"


My job is still running even though I have received the results. why is that ?? I have successfully go the results. Can I manually set the "Run status" as "Success" after I got result ? I mean are there any Pyspark code to do so ??

asked a year ago575 views
1 Answer


If your job is still running even though you have received the results, it could be due to several reasons:

Long-running Spark Context: If you've set up a long-running Spark context or Spark session, the job might continue to run even after the specific computation is complete.

Delayed Shutdown: There might be a delay in shutting down the job or the underlying infrastructure, causing the job to appear as still running.

Status Update Delay: There might be a delay in updating the job's status in the EMR Console, causing it to show as still running even though it has been completed.


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answered a year ago

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