To access Grafana via DNS on EKS cluster



I have installed Grafana on EKS cluster via Helm. I need to add ingress to it so that I can access Grafana via DNS. Please provide me any link for the AWS blog post or steps to perform the same.

Thanks Arjun Goel

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asked a year ago362 views
1 Answer

Hi Arjun,

TL;DR: you have to choose an Ingress technology first. This should be a decision that you (or your team) make and most of them will work on EKS as EKS is a Kubernetes cluster just like any other. You can find some options here

Keep in mind that Ingress is not the only option when it comes to exposing applications in a Kubernetes cluster. You can see other ways here

If you want something more AWS specific this may help

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answered a year ago

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