Pause the creation of a stack and wait for a signal


Hi, can you help me do the following? **pause stack creation and wait for a signal to ensure that specific resources and configurations have been launched correctly before resuming the stack creation process. **

The reason I have to do this is due to the problem I have in making the link of conversions api gataway with my facebook pixel.

Below is the error: Enter image description here

Thank you very much, I hope you can help me. Thank you

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi, the timeout occurs because there no signal coming to stop the wait on the http endpoint created for this synchro by CFN. The stack will continue only when some external process properly signalled on the pre-defined URL (it seems that you synchonized only 1 single instance of the signal from your screenshot)


To send a signal, you send an HTTP request message using the presigned URL. 
The request method must be PUT and the Content-Type header must be an 
empty string or omitted. The request message must be a JSON structure of the 
form specified in Wait condition signal JSON format.

BTW, if your other resources that you mention are also created by another CFN stack, you may be able to use simpler mechanisms to synchronize your 2 launches

Hope it helps, Didier

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Hi, OK thanks for your help. In order to implement this code that extends the duration for the completion of an operation... I have to restart the stack? Then delete the failed one and do it again?

    Thanks for the help

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