host these videos on AWS and embed them on my WordPress site


Hello, I have a site that offers training courses. This site is built on WordPress

1.I would like to host these videos on AWS and embed them on my WordPress site 2.I want to enable a protection system on these videos so that they appear to users Dynamic Watermark with their ID

asked a year ago327 views
3 Answers

Since Amazon IVS is a service for live video streaming, it does not offer any solutions for hosting VOD assets or watermarking. Here are a few blog posts and articles about watermarking videos on AWS:

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answered a year ago
  • Thank you for replying I mean, is there a service in AWS that allows me to store videos and then embed them on the WordPress site, while providing a dynamic watermark that appears on Android and iOS. What is the name of this service?


Thank you for replying I mean, is there a service in AWS that allows me to store videos and then embed them on the WordPress site, while providing a dynamic watermark that appears on Android and iOS. What is the name of this service?

answered a year ago
  • You can certainly utilize S3 with a CloudFront distribution to store videos and then embed them with an HTML <video> element on WordPress. I'm not sure what you mean by a "dynamic" watermark - would this be unique to a user, browser, device? You can certainly add a one time watermark via the methods above (or even via FFMPEG offline) which would be visible in the video playback.


There is no single AWS service that would manage all you ask. Most AWS services are individual functions to allow building solutions desired.

You may want to consider using third partly solutions built on AWS, for the storage and management of the video. The Dynamic Watermarking may be something that would be added to existing content storage and distribution solutions.

Here are two AWS Partner solution provided built using AWS services. They may not have the Dynamic Watermarking needed, yet may be able to provide it. You would need to review their offerings to see if there is a match for your requirements.

answered a year ago

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