AWS Bedrock Agent very slow


I have an NodeJs Api that talks to aws bedrock agent. Every request to the agent takes 10-16 seconds. This happens even when we test this in the console. Is this the norm ?

asked 2 months ago456 views
1 Answer

A response time of 10-16 seconds for requests to an AWS Bedrock Agent, even when tested in the console, seems unusually high. Typically, interactions with services like the Bedrock Agent should be much faster.

Enable detailed logging and instrumentation in both your Node.js API and the Bedrock Agent to track the sequence of operations, timestamps, and any errors or warnings during request processing. This can provide valuable insights into the performance bottlenecks and help pinpoint the root cause of the slow response time.

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answered 2 months ago
  • I looked at the logs, am loading default templates for preprocessing, orchestration and post-processing. I believe thats where max time is being spent

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