My org has signed up to AWS Activate, but as a member of the org, I can't access the Activate Templates for startups



My organization has registered on AWS Activate and our org admin is able to see the AWS Activate Templates and support pages. I have been invited to the organization, and I have been given admin access. I have accepted the invite, but when I go on the activate homepage, I still see a screen that invites me to register to AWS Activate. I have tried logging in and out.

I don't want to register to Activate on my account as well, my org is supposed to already be registered. As the technical POC on the organization, I would like to be able to consult the numerous startup templates available to us through this program. What are we missing?

asked a year ago330 views
1 Answer

Hello Luc,

In order to access the AWS Activate Console, you have to have an IAM account with the AWS Activate Console IAM permission (activate:*) attached. For more information, see Q. Can my team members also access the AWS Activate Console? in the Activate FAQs.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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