Being blocked by Amazon Technologies


Hello, I have built but after 5 months it flagged as malicious and phising found on my website somehow when I do the search on That was the reason that Comcast business was blocking me as far as they said. but they also stated yesterday they have Cleared white(listed) us in their ProEdge Security tool. Technician connected to my modem and trace the route to the and he told me it did got blocked at Marietta, Ga by Amazon Technologies inc. Specifically at the IP address of (although he told me it was Which I was confused at first or I misheard). Those are the information that I got so far. If I try to connect with a VPN when I'm at Miami I cant login either but if I change the VPN to Atlanta I can see my website.

What are the things that I can do to reach out to Amazon Technologies inc or any possible solution to the problem ?! Results are here.

1 Answer

Contact Amazon Web Services (AWS): If your website is being blocked by Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can reach out to their support team for assistance. Provide them with details about the issue, including your website URL, IP address, and any relevant error messages or notifications you've received. Hope it clarifies and if does I would appreciate answer to be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity, thanks ;)

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answered 2 months ago

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