Using CloudFront to upload files to S3 bucket using presign URL and custom domain



I understand it's possible to use CloudFront distribution to upload files (via POST) to an S3 Bucket. My Question is how can I achieve this with presigned URL's and a custom domain ?

TIA, Roi

asked 8 months ago2681 views
3 Answers

Hello, Roi. I have one article with a good point on how you can configure that It`s not official documentation but this guys as an AWS Partner so people have good experience and knowledge.

Best regards, Andrii

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answered 8 months ago
  • Thanks for the quick reply but it doesn't seem like it answers my question regarding upload of a file to a custom domain using CloudFront.


So the thing is, S3 presigned URLs don't work well with CloudFront, since they are two different mechanisms that practically do the same thing. CloudFront is the more elaborate, with many more options and functionality. So instead pre-signed URL you can use signed URL for Cloudfront This will allow more detailed access to the file for those who need it. Best regards, Andrii

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answered 8 months ago
  • Thanks for the help. Please see my solution below.

answered 7 months ago

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