Model Package Grroup Not Showing Up in the Shared Space


Hi, I created model package groups using AWS Lambda and also created groups from sagemaker pipeline. However, from the UI I can only see it from the sagemaker studio launched from the user profiles under a domain but not able to see it from the UI in the studio launched from shared space. In the shared space I can still see the model package group when run list_model_package_groups(). May I know why? Thanks!

asked 3 months ago149 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

The behavior you're experiencing is likely due to the way SageMaker organizes and manages access to resources across different environments, such as User Profiles and Shared Spaces.

In SageMaker, User Profiles are associated with individual users or personas, and each User Profile has its own isolated environment. When you launch SageMaker Studio from a User Profile, you're working within that specific environment, and you can see and interact with the resources associated with that User Profile.

On the other hand, Shared Spaces are designed to provide a shared environment where multiple users or teams can collaborate on projects and share resources. The Shared Space is a separate environment from individual User Profiles, and it has its own set of resources and configurations.

When you list model package groups using the Amazon SDK (e.g., list_model_package_groups()), you're querying the SageMaker service directly, which returns all the model package groups that you have access to, regardless of the environment (User Profile or Shared Space) from which you're making the request.

However, when you're viewing the resources through the SageMaker Studio UI, the interface is designed to show only the resources associated with the specific environment you're currently working in (either a User Profile or a Shared Space).

So, the reason you can see the model package groups when listing them via the SDK but not in the SageMaker Studio UI launched from the Shared Space is that the model package groups you created are likely associated with your User Profile environment, not the Shared Space environment.

To make the model package groups visible and accessible in the Shared Space environment, you may need to explicitly share or import those resources into the Shared Space. SageMaker provides mechanisms for sharing resources across environments, such as importing model packages or copying model package groups into the Shared Space.

The exact steps to share or import resources may vary depending on your specific use case and requirements, but in general, you would need to follow the documentation or consult with your AWS support team to understand the best practices for sharing resources between User Profiles and Shared Spaces in your Amazon SageMaker environment.

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hi I figured out that showing up in the UI for specific user or shared space depends on the tag. AfterI assigned the related space tags to the model package group I can see it in the model registry from studio

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