Getting started - edit files in Elastic Beanstalk


I have depoyed a source bundle in elastic beanstalk and I can see that the application is working here:

Now, I want to edit the files that I deployed. How do I get started? I tried to find it in Cloudshell but no luck. Thanks.

asked a year ago484 views
1 Answer


Greeting from AWS!!

You can access the deployed application files in your EC2 instance associated with the Beanstalk environment under /var/app/current directory. To locate your EC2 instance, you can go to the health tab in your Beanstalk console and copy the instance ID. Then you can go to EC2 console, search the instance and SSH. Please note you need to have a Key Pair attached to your instance to SSH into it. To attach instance, go to configurations page in beanstalk console and under service access, add Key Pair and apply. After this you will be able to SSH to the instance.


answered a year ago

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