Amplify and React App: Access Denied


I created a React app that I want to deploy to AWS Amplify. I use automatic deployment through GitHub. The problem is that I get access denied error when I visit a specific URL path, other than the root path of the web app. For example, visiting will cause an "AccessDenied" error.

It seems that this is a common issue with Amplify and SPAs, and people set up redirects to index.html like so:


However, this is not a solution for me, or at least is not working I want to, since I want users to access specific page paths directly.

My react-router-dom code which handles the redirects looks something like this:

return ( 
                <Route path="/" element={
                        <Index />
                } />

                <Route path="some-url" element={
                } />

Setting up a redirect to index.html as the documentation suggests causes all requests to just land to index.html which my React app only renders a blank page.

Any help will highly be appreciated.

asked 2 years ago196 views
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