Why is Amazon KeySpaces Write Operations Not Reliable


Amazon Keyspace write operations not reliable in my opinion. I am using dsbulk and always get failed records

On 06/29 around 7:25 AM i got this error "Caused by: com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.WriteFailureException: Cassandra failure during write query at consistency LOCAL_QUORUM (2 responses were required but only 0 replica responded, 1 failed)"

On 06/29 at 8:10AM I got 15 failed records with this eror "Caused by: com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.DriverTimeoutException: Query timed out after PT10M"'

I have automated load processes and because of these errors I have to manually go in and rerun failed records its a major hassle automation is key for enterprise apps

My ds bulk command is optimized for bulk updates:

C:\dsbulk-1.10.0\bin\dsbulk load -f C:\dsbulk-1.10.0\bin\dsbulk_keyspaces.conf -url C:\dsbulk-1.10.0\bin\my.csv -header true --connector.csv.delimiter "|" -query "my query" --dsbulk.batch.mode DISABLED --dsbulk.executor.maxPerSecond 800 --driver.basic.request.timeout "10 minutes" --driver.advanced.retry-policy.max-retries 75 -maxErrors 99999999999

My quota is 1000 writes per second so 800 is under quota

Amazon please fix these reliability issues ASAP we should not get errors if we our under quota and using dsbulk

asked a year ago147 views
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